A doctor is obliged to treat his patient after a diagnosis if this is necessary. He is free to decide which method to use as long as the chances of recovery, the stress and the risks are equal. For example, the doctor may prefer a therapy in which he is particularly well versed. The possibilities range from proven methods to new therapies. The doctor also has to inform the patient about the possibilities of treatment so that the patient has the opportunity to make his own decisions. Both equipment as well as knowledge and skills should be available according to the treatment method. Required lengthy and conservative treatments and surgical interventions are excluded from the doctor’s freedom of choice.
Therapiefehler zählen zu den Treatment errors. If the therapy violates customary medical standards or if a doctor fails to take the necessary treatment measures, he is in breach of his obligations. Not only the selection of the therapeutic measure, but also its practical application must be carried out correctly by the doctor.
In the event of damage to health, an expert examines whether the chosen therapy complies with scientific knowledge and specialist medical experience.