Our range of services covers all matters of medical law.
We provide support in the event of damage resulting from medical mispractices such as treatment errors.
We can help you in the search for experts and in the review of expert opinions.
We also offer legal advice in warranty cases.
Claim for damages
We will assist you in asserting and defending any kind of claim for damages
Compensation for pain
We assist in asserting and defending claims for compensation for pain and suffering from immaterial damages.
We will support you if the insurance company fails to pay and help you with questions of compensation and reimbursement.
Medical Liability
We help doctors with liability issues for treatment errors.
Contractual Obligations
We help doctors with contractual obligations towards patients.
Practice License
We are happy to help doctors with licensing, establishment and general professional law.
Practice Contract
We draft and review practice agreements for cooperation and separation.
We help physicians with cooperation agreements or with practice disputes, the taking over and handing over of practices.
Practice succession & inheritance law
We are happy to represent you in all matters of practice succession or inheritance law.
Labour Law
We also assist our clients in labour law and all contractual matters.
It goes without saying that we are there for our clients in all questions concerning billing or debt collection.
We help doctors, surgeries, hotels or pensions in case of insolvency.