
Attorneys for Medical Law – Europe & Worldwide

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legal consequences

Triage: what is it?

Decision of the Federal Constitutional Court of the 16th of December 2021 In its decision of 16 December 2021, the Federal Constitutional Court ruled that in certain constellations of pronounced need for protection, the state has a duty to effectively protect people from discrimination on the grounds of their disability, including by third parties. The […]

Sick Leave without having been seen by a doctor: German´s trend or trash?

Sick Leave without having been seen by a doctor: German´s trend or trash? Advertising sick leave without a doctor’s visit – Hamburg Higher Regional Court, Judgment of 05.11.2020 – 5 U 175/19 In the context of an advertised business model, doctors shall issue without a specific visit and with the help of an internet questionnaire […]

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