
Attorneys for Medical Law – Europe & Worldwide

Medical Malpractice Law, Medical Malpractice Liability Law, Doctors' Contractual Law, Hospital Legislation, Health Insurance Law, Physician Law, Pharmaceutical Law, Medical Devices Law, Pharmacy law, Nursing Care Insurance law, Corporate Law/ Professional Law/ Remuneration Law for Service Providers

health insurance

Medical Treatment Abroad – Insurance Clarifications

Do you live in Germany, you are covered by a German Statutory Health insurance and you aim to get medical treatment abroad? Which rights and duties do you have? If you have statutory health insurance, you can also receive treatment within the European Union. Let’s take a common example:  if you want to have your […]

Outpatients and Inpatients in need of patience

The priority of outpatient treatment over inpatient treatment, which is regulated for statutory health insurance companies in § 39 (1) sentence 2 SGB V, is always a topic of discussion in Germany… moreover If this applies to private health insurance companies! It is no news that insurance companies often have problems with the assumption of […]

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